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Seattle Actor James Viola

· Actor,Musician

James Viola is a Seattle-based actor. He works at numerous professional theatres in the Seattle area. Currently, he works with the Seattle Repertory Theatre Company. James spent several years playing minor roles for the company until he got his break by playing the role of Jamie in their production of A Long Day’s Journey Into Night by Eugene O’Neill. James’ portrayal of Jamie received positive reviews from The Stranger, Seattle's arts and culture newspaper. The following year, James got the role of Stanley Kowalski in Tennessee Williams's classic A Streetcar Named Desire. James found it difficult to take on the role of such an angry, violent man. Though this performance again won him critical acclaim locally, James had to alter his method as an actor to protect his mental health while embodying such a horrible man.

James Viola

Tired of playing dramatic roles, James auditioned for Truffaldino in The Servant of Two Masters at Seattle Rep. James reveled in the opportunity to play such a great comedic character. The role forced him to stretch his skills as an actor, as it requires a lot of improvisation and audience interaction in the performing of Truffaldino.

James Viola’s favorite company to work with is the Island Shakespeare Company on Whidbey Island, Washington. He spent one summer performing on the island and hopes to return. That summer, their season included Hamlet, Dracula, and Measure For Measure. James played the corrupt and lascivious priest Antonio in Measure For Measure. In Shakespeare’s masterpiece, Hamlet, James was happy to take on the smaller roles of Rosencrantz and Laertes. In the stage adaptation of Bram Stoker’s Dracula James took on the role of Quincey, relishing the chance to die dramatically on stage each night.